Q. What are the main courses presented to enable your students to become researchers?
A. We present Research Methodology, Inferential Statistics, and SPSS to our students in the first terms. In fact, the institute goal is to train not only therapist but also researchers.
Q. What kind of educational facilities do you prepare for clinical issues?
A. The institute has mirror laboratory. Family & child clinic is also equipped with closed-circuit cameras. Our professors hold some therapeutic sessions in the institute, too.
Q. Is family therapy one of the branches of clinical psychology?
A. Yes
Q. What is the difference between family therapy and family consultation branches of study?
A. Family consultation concentrates mostly on superficial issues whereas family therapy is one of the clinical branches and its main objective is therapy and working on deeper issues.
Q. What are the other programs in order to progress the scientific level of students?
Biannual Congress of Family Therapy
Biannual Congress of Art Therapy
Weekly Journal Club
Biweekly Specialized Speech
Different Workshops